Roles and Challenges Faced by Regulators, as Well as Successful Case Studies in Promoting Innovation With Other Forward – Thinking Regulatory Authorities

Join this panel to explore:
- The leadership required from regulatory authorities and the industry to drive dynamic/disruptive transformation and long-term development in the financial sector.
- The expected role of Japan in leading regulatory harmonization and industry development across multiple nations within the global financial ecosystem.
- How regulators can significantly enhance their technological capabilities.
- How should we go about sourcing and deploying resources, including free cashflow and talent, to scale up the FinTech ecosystem over the decades?
- Eva Selamar – Leuthold, Head, Swiss Financial Innovation Deask (FIND)
- Ryosuke Ushida, Chief FinTech Officer, Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA)
- Sopnendu Mohanty, Cheif FinTech Officer, Monetary Authority of Singapore & Chairman of the Board, Elevandi