GFTN Insights 

GFTN Insights is a year-round series that connects senior officials and industry leaders across continents to address key financial and tech challenges. Held under Chatham House rules, these dialogues foster partnership, culminating in the two-day Insights Forum in Singapore.


Roundtable Dialogues Across the Year

Join our public-private conversations to drive outcomes across the world, culminating at the Insights Forum in Singapore on 10-11 November, 2025.

Hosted Roundtable Dialogues 

Organizations we collaborate with to host critical dialogues that shape the future of finance. 

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Insights Forum

The GFTN Insights series closes each year at this invite-only forum. Curated for senior leaders and policy makers to drive partnership in confronting the most penetrating themes, our targeted sessions focus on delivering outcomes to set the stage for progress in the year ahead.

Public Private Roundtables

Public-Private Roundtables

GFTN’s Chatham House sessions support our member coalitions developing innovation concepts to define their path to implementation in candid dialogue between peers.

Participants may expect to test their ideas with transdisciplinary audiences from the public and private sector, allowing them to benefit from the experiences of industry, academia and practitioners in finance and technology

Outputs from our roundtables include reports and concept notes that may form the backbone of memorandums of understanding, taking ideas towards implementation.


Design Thinking

GFTN’s design thinking sessions draw on a shared vision of the future to support our members in defining their pathway to realising this vision. We facilitate the ideation of innovative concepts and the formation of coalitions to prototype and validate them.

Attendees may expect to bring together what is desirable with what is technologically feasible and economically viable. We will experience divergent thinking and convergent choices, moving between inspiration and ideation.

Outputs from our design thinking sessions include a catalogue of ideas that attendees may choose to explore developing, as well as skeleton concept notes for members to form coalitions for implementation.

Co-located Summits

Launchpad & Workshops

GFTN’s workshops and launchpad sessions celebrate the fruit of our members’ innovation journeys and provide a platform for scale.

Attendees may expect to learn about successful pilots and business models, and the conditions of their success. Interactive and with the opportunity for networking, these sessions enable the curious to discover and nurture opportunities to progress their strategies for the key topics of the time with proven partners.

Outputs from our launchpad and workshop sessions include reports and the formation of partnerships.

Upcoming in GFTN Insights

Insights Forum 2024 in numbers


(by invitation only)


Co-located summits


Stage sessions


(132 public: 232 private)



(6 public: 63 private)



Design Thinking sessions




Launchpad sessions




Point Zero Forum, Europe

Launch of Elevandi's Insights Forum


Launch of Insights Series
Europe Edition


Launch of Insights Series Asia Edition 


Point Zero Forum, Europe

Launch of Elevandi's Insights Forum


Launch of Insights Series
Europe Edition


Launch of Insights Series Asia Edition 



Inclusive FinTech Forum, Africa
Insights Forum expands to a new continent

Point Zero Forum, Europe 
Insights Forum returns to Europe 


Singapore FinTech Festival, Asia
Insights Forum took over Marina Bay Sands in the week of SFF


Inclusive FinTech Forum, Africa
Insights Forum expands to a new continent

Point Zero Forum, Europe 
Insights Forum returns to Europe 


Singapore FinTech Festival, Asia
Insights Forum took over Marina Bay Sands in the week of SFF


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